The capacity of European, Indian, Islamic power plants and thermal power plants that use fossil fuels, agricultural waste (including manure), garbage is about 1000 GW. Thus, the Three Aqueducts project can completely replace fossil fuels, agricultural waste and garbage in Europe, India and Islamic countries. For the development of deserts and for the development of the economy of the East, about 1000 GW is also needed (the author's estimate). Since the number of the peoples of the East is growing rapidly and will double within 50 years, we need about 3000 GW more. In total, about 5000 GW is needed. The "Three Aqueducts" project solves this problem as well.
The main costs of transporting fresh water are the cost of energy for pumps. Offshore power plants provide "White Aqueduct" and "Yellow Aqueduct" with very cheap, safe, affordable energy.
The cost of the "Three Aqueducts" project. Analogs of the project: the project of turning Chinese rivers, the Nord Stream offshore gas pipeline, the project of underwater floating tunnels in Norway, the Meigen offshore power plant, Scotland. Comparison of the project "Three Aqueducts" with analogues, allows you to estimate its cost in
$4.4 trillion.
About 90% of the project cost is the cost of energy equipment – offshore wind farms, offshore hydroelectric power plants, offshore underwater superconducting electric lines. This cost includes the cost of work in the interests of Europe. The cost of the project without the interests of Europe is approximately $2.6 trillion. For comparison, global spending on "green energy" and climate conservation in 2011-2018 amounted to $3.3 trillion.
The price of fresh water under the "Three Aqueducts" project for the peoples of the East. Desalinated water from Antarctica 1 ton -1 cent .
Fresh water from the Congo River 1 ton – 1 cent.
It was not possible to estimate the cost of fresh water from Siberia, because there are many related factors that are very difficult to take into account (for example, very large environmental measures in Siberia and the Urals, etc.). The cost of water from Siberia will be determined by a number of other factors. Such a factor is, for example, the costs of protecting the climate of the Arctic and the climate of Siberia itself.
”Three Aqueducts" will not sell fresh water at a free market price. The price of fresh water is 1 ton 1 cent for all. The cost of construction and use of aqueducts will be paid by selling electricity from offshore power plants. Ending wars. "Three aqueducts" will create a common irrigation and energy infrastructure of the Islamic World and India. The project will provide new life resources for 2.5 billion people. human. These resources will create the basis for major integration projects for the peaceful development of India and the Islamic World.
The Three Aqueducts will restore the fullness and natural landscapes of the five sacred rivers of the East – the Nile, Euphrates, Tigris, Indus and Ganges, and eliminate the sources of historical, religious, racial and political conflicts in the East. Already at the stage of international public discussion of the project, it is possible to significantly reduce tensions in almost 50 countries of the East.
Sources: /, site maps used;
Author : Podobrij Mikhail
Born in 1954, captain of the 3rd rank retired, St. Petersburg, Russia