"The Great Yellow Aqueduct"
The aim of the project is to provide Arab countries, India and other countries of the Global South with clean fresh water, clean renewable energy, and transform part of the deserts of the Global South into blooming gardens and fields.
The route of the "Great Yellow Aqueduct" - from the mouth of the Congo River (Republic of Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo) to north around North Africa to the Strait of Gibraltar, then across the Mediterranean Sea to the Isthmus of Suez, then across the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean and across the ocean to the Gulf of Cooch to the city of Mumbai. The distance of the aqueduct from the coast ranges from 80 km to 900 km. The aqueduct passes through the territorial waters of only one country – Egypt. From the aqueduct there are local aqueducts for each country separately. The capacity of the “Great Yellow Aqueduct” is 300 billion cubic meters of fresh water per year. Its length is 25,500 km, including an aqueduct with a diameter of 30 m - 16700 km, a diameter of 10 m- 6350 km, a diameter of 5 m – 2450 km. The construction period is 10 years, the price is $500 billion.
The energy of the "Great Yellow Aqueduct"
A network of floating marine power plants is being installed along the aqueduct. They convert the power of ocean currents and winds into electrical energy for the needs of the peoples of Africa and the Middle East and pumping water through an aqueduct. The aqueduct is equipped with electrically conductive lines through which electricity from offshore power plants is transmitted to onshore consumers. The capacity of offshore power plants is up to 1,500 GW, the cost is 1.6 trillion dollars. The construction period is 30 years.
Great reservoirs.
In the Mediterranean Sea, near Libya, in the Red Sea and in the Indian Ocean, three marine freshwater reservoirs are being built - the “Yellow Reservoir”, the “Red Reservoir” and the |White Reservoir”. Their capacity is 50 billion cubic meters of fresh water each. They will provide reliable water supply to North Africa, East Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and India. These reservoirs have no analogues in the world. Their design and construction technology will be presented later.
The "Great Yellow Aqueduct" surrounds deserts with an area of 12,500,000 square kilometers. It will transform the Great Deserts of the Global South into beautiful sunny lands for the lives of 3 billion human.
The "Great Yellow Aqueduct" can be destroyed by humans or a natural disaster. To ensure a reliable supply of fresh water to the peoples of the Global South, backup sources of fresh water and energy are needed. Such sources are the “Three Aqueducts” Project and the “Great Reservoirs” project.